Getting any sort of real estate, mortgage, or insurance document notarized is critical to following standard processes and ensuring all legal aspects of a transaction are taken care of. That said, it can be difficult to take care of this paperwork step if you’re a busy title or escrow company. Notarized, Inc., based out of California, provides professional firms nationwide the chance to contact and schedule services of a travel notary to manage all their urgent paperwork needs. Discover how our mobile notary public services work and how you can book a certified mobile notary service online now!

Hire A Licensed Travel Notary Public Online
If your closing timeline is coming up fast, and you need the help of a traveling notary right away, Notarized, Inc.’s online platform is perfect. No matter what type of signature you need from your client or business partner, take advantage of our certified mobile notary service and request an individual in a certain service area through our online platform.

A Certified Mobile Notary Service Rep Will Arrive Wherever You Need
After you request our certified mobile notary services online and place your order for a traveling notary, a licensed and bonded individual will complete your request. Whether the signing of closing documents needs to occur at a client’s location, a professional office, or another location, our Notarized, Inc. mobile notary publics will go wherever you need. Your title or escrow company doesn’t have to worry, as our certified mobile notary service representatives ensure a smooth, accurate, singing transaction.

Your Notarized Document Copies Will be Sent Via Email
Once all the required signatures are acquired and all necessary legal documents are finished up, our Notarized, Inc. traveling notary will send them to your company via email. Our mobile notary public organization greatly values protecting our clients’ personal identity and financial details; it is for this reason our emailing system utilizes a secure socket layer and encrypted file transfers. Whether your travel notary is sending or receiving a document, rest assured the highest grade of data protection is always used.

Partner With Notarized, Inc. To Save Time & Money
Several different types of documents may require individual signatures in order to be valid and legally binding, such as real estate papers, loan modifications, reverse and second mortgages, refinances, and more. In all of these cases, our certified mobile notary service can securely and confidently acquire the signature you need to meet quick deadlines while you focus on other aspects of your business. Hire one of our traveling notary publics by joining our streamlined, easy-to-use online system!
Learn more about our certified mobile notary service and about hiring a travel notary by browsing our website. Contact us today if you have any questions!